Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Today I wore my dress with fireworks on it, so it's only fitting that I should be jumping on the bed. Right?

This is my oh so comfy bed. Complete with a sheepskin and lots of pillows, most of which are homemade. I don't think it's been made since I last washed the sheets. Oh well.

The painting on the wall is one that I did, as well as the bird painting that may have been in the shots a couple of days ago. I really need to get more done and put them on the wall. That deer looks lonely.

I went to the temple after work today, so I had to find an appropriate outfit. I thought it was great... until I walked in and realized my tights practically glow blue. Oh well.

The dress is a grey jersey knit Urban Outfitters dress with fireworks on it from a few years ago.
The cardigan is a black Gap boyfriend cardigan with awesome pockets. I was chowing down on hidden candy corn at work all day because of them.
The tights are Gap from last year. I picked them up when my purple ones got a hole in them. That was a sad day.
The shoes are black satin Gap flats from years ago as well.

Well, I'm off to start my very long weekend. Happy day! I'm starting it off by going to Salt Lake and hanging out with my Josephus Joefriend tomorrow. Should be fun, and the pictures should be better.

1 comment:

S said...

I like the third picture. You look like you are levitating. That means you're a witch! How very Halloween-y of you!