Friday, April 27, 2007

This is me, your lovely blogger. I think this picture is great because the sun is going through my hair and there are rainbows coming off of me. Emily took this picture of me when I was taking pictures of her and Susan around campus in their cap and gowns the day before graduation so they didn't have to wait in lines.

I would like to introduce you to my dear friend Emily. I like to call her Memly for some strange reason. She's awesome. She just helped me find the cute little picture box int he corner of the screen to add pictures. She's a genius I tell you GENIUS! Oh yeah, and I'm a little slow. Look at that foxy lady. She took this during a Valentine's Day Dance that we all went to. It was pretty much amazing... just like right now.

She is showing me her power stance with the air guitar that Susan gave her for graduation. WOW. let me just tell you that everybody will really enjoy the show. Now if only I had my video camera. Darn.

Hehe. I don't move out until Tuesday, and Emily is staying in her place this summer. Susan and Melissa are packing their stuff for the summer. Anyway, Emily came over to watch a movie. Actually we watched Drop Dead Gorgeous. It's pretty much the best movie ever made... and very quotable. Along with the movie, Susan gave Emily a blow up guitar for graduation. THAT is what Emily is rocking out on right now. That's right, we are way fun... and Emily has found her calling. She was born to be a rocker. Perhaps later in time we will have video or pictures of Emily in her setting of her true calling as a rocker. SWEET!!!

Wrong and a little creeped

So I was wrong about who the "stalker" is. I thought I recognized him from the ward function, but apparently it is just from..... around.

Last night I went out with an old friend of mine. He's a great guy and one of the friends I used to hang out with in high school pretty much every weekend. Anyway, right before we left a friend of mine knocked on the door asking if we wanted to go play tennis. So when we walked down the stairs she was still walking around asking people. There was a guy walking around too. The same guy that was on my steps the night before at 2:30 am or so. At first I thought that maybe he was with the girl wandering around because he was kinda walking around her. Then I noticed a pile of books and things on my steps. I asked my old friend if they were his. I knew they weren't the girl's, and I knew that they didn't belong to anybody in the apartment.

When Isaac and I got to the car, the guy who we thought might have been with Adriane left. He walked right down the street and away from the complex. I talked to Isaac about it when we got in the car. He said that he was hanging around when he got there, and that he recognized him. In other words, he was definitely hanging around and making it obvious he was there, but not talking to people. AND that it is not who I thought it might have been. I have a sneaking suspicion that I DO know who it is though, and he could very well be reading this.

Isaac seemed to think it was weird and kinda creepy. I talked to my buck on the phone when I was coming back from dinner and bowling, and he thought it was a little weird too, but I had to go and didn't get his full reaction. Then when I called him back we didn't really talk about it. I dunno. My roommates think it's a little weird and have been making sure the door was locked even more now. Though one of them has always been an avid door locker, this has kicked them into strict door locking mode.

Sometimes it can be kinda flattering to have a guy hanging around I guess... but at 2:30 in the morning?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Stalking... a sport or an all American past time?

First off I would like to say that I've been looking for a place to live spring/summer. I'm getting kicked out of this place because the owner is moving in for a month or so... plus it's too expensive for me anyway. Anyway, the apartment hunt is going a little better. I think I may have found a place that is still in this ward. I would really like to stay in this ward. I like the people and I just started to get to know them. Why stop a good thing right?

Anyway, onto the blog. Or in the words of my dear stalker, unto the blog. So lately I've kinda been developing this thing with a guy that all started with a joke about stalking. We met on the street outside my place and he told us to go to his hockey game. We went but we didn't talk to him. My dearest friend Emily added him as a friend on facebook so I figured why not. Anyway, months later he decided to say hi and we talked on facebook a lot. Which is funny because he lives like three blocks away and walks by my place at least twice a day.

So we had this joke going about me stalking him, then teaching him the ways and him stalking me. We'd go to each others homes and miss each other and leave notes... sometimes inside the house when no one was home. We know each other in real life now and actually talk to each other on the phone and hang out and such, but it was a little ironic that I was talking to him on the phone last night at about 2:30 in the morning when reason to believe we actually do have a bit of a stalker.

First let me tell you a little about where we live. It is a little condo. There are six of them and we are in the back upper corner and can look over a well used school parking lot, have a view of the backside of campus, and have a nice view of the hill most people use while walking onto campus from the south side. This gives us prime views of the lives going on around us. You'd be surprised to see the things we see out these windows. Especially me considering I really sit here for the majority of the day. I'll really miss this place when I leave in about a week.

The thing is that it doesn't just give us prime viewage, but it give people a WIDE variety of places to stop and look into our window. Anyway, our stairs have just been redone and you can pretty much always tell when people are walking up and down them. They tend to shake a bit, and are a little loud. So when I was talking to my buck really late I heard someone coming up and down the stairs repeatedly. I thought it might be him, so I asked and he said no and that it was kinda weird. Then I figured I catch the kid in action... whoever it may be. Which in theory sounded great, but could have been bad. Which I realized later.

I opened the door and saw a guy running down the stairs. I opened it when he was halfway down and I think I scared him cause he looked over really fast and ran off. I caught a glimpse of his face and it looked vaguely familiar. I looked in our ward directory and I think it is a guy that my roommate Susan and I met last week at a bonfire. I then realized that I have been seeing his face a lot lately... but never talked to him. I then realized that it has been around our apartment and the parking lot and such. Like in the weirdest places. After seeing the look on his face at 2:30 in the morning and not having anything left on the front porch or anything... I think one of us may have a bit of a stalker. I'm slightly weirded out. I dunno. Anyway, I have to get ready for work at 2, so I gotta run.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Carpe Diem

Well, considering this is my first official post as the blogger of... this blog, I thought I would just do a quickie about the name of the blog and the blog itself... errr whatever.

I chose carpe diem for a couple of reasons. First off, it is a fond memory I have with my sister. It is probably best if I don't relay the story. I tend to be a little long with my stories and usually others don't find them as fun or interesting as I do. All you need to know is that it is a happy memory I have with Teal. It wasn't the best, and she may not even remember it, but to me it represents the wonderful times we have spent together.

Bleagch, enough with the sentiment I know. Another reason I went for carpe diem is because of the obvious straightforward meaning, seize the day. As most of us know, it is Latin.... for seize the day. Yes this is a personal blog. I may blog about my feelings. I may blog about what new fun thing I found and learned to make. I may blog about the book that I just read. Whatever it may be, it will be of the day... seizing what I can from it.

With that having been said, I know nobody will really read this, at least not till I tell people about it I'm sure. That will give me time to figure out how to add pictures and such. Haha... perhaps add a profile. Who know what tomorrow or the next days will bring. Goodnight, I have a book to read, food to eat, a journal to write in and a bed to sleep in. It's 12:55 and the night is packed. Meh. Night.