Monday, April 23, 2007

Carpe Diem

Well, considering this is my first official post as the blogger of... this blog, I thought I would just do a quickie about the name of the blog and the blog itself... errr whatever.

I chose carpe diem for a couple of reasons. First off, it is a fond memory I have with my sister. It is probably best if I don't relay the story. I tend to be a little long with my stories and usually others don't find them as fun or interesting as I do. All you need to know is that it is a happy memory I have with Teal. It wasn't the best, and she may not even remember it, but to me it represents the wonderful times we have spent together.

Bleagch, enough with the sentiment I know. Another reason I went for carpe diem is because of the obvious straightforward meaning, seize the day. As most of us know, it is Latin.... for seize the day. Yes this is a personal blog. I may blog about my feelings. I may blog about what new fun thing I found and learned to make. I may blog about the book that I just read. Whatever it may be, it will be of the day... seizing what I can from it.

With that having been said, I know nobody will really read this, at least not till I tell people about it I'm sure. That will give me time to figure out how to add pictures and such. Haha... perhaps add a profile. Who know what tomorrow or the next days will bring. Goodnight, I have a book to read, food to eat, a journal to write in and a bed to sleep in. It's 12:55 and the night is packed. Meh. Night.

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