Friday, November 30, 2007

My Mental State

Today has been quite the day for me, but not. More of a day or revelation than anything eventful you could say.

I woke up and laid in bed for hours. When I finally crawled out and put on my clothes it was already about 1:00. When I walked out to my car to pick up my paycheck it was raining, and I was wearing my new leather flats. You think I would be slightly upset considering it was cold and raining and my new shoes were on the verge or ruin. No.

I picked up my paycheck, then went to the bank to cash it. There was a big truck with a trailer blocking the way, and I got in and realized that I forgot my account number. No worries. I still got it cashed.

Then I went to Rite Aid to pick up some Christmas lights and tape. So they didn't have any lights in the color I wanted, and I ran into an old friend that I made myself a fool in from of in the past.

When I was there a friend texted me and asked me if I was available. I was supposed to have finished her birthday present, but I hadn't.

When she came over she suggested we visit a friend that I have blown off continuously because I've been too cold and tired or busy.

Another friend texted me and told me that since he flew to Colorado on his vacation instead of driving, we wouldn't be able to see each other.

The whole time it is raining and drizzly and grey. You would think I would be in a bad mood. NEVER!!!

The whole time I was ecstatic. I didn't get a sleep in headache. The rain seemed to shrink to a drizzle when I had to walk outside. My friend was working and complimented my new shoes. My paycheck was bigger than expected, with a holiday fix for Thanksgiving (which we all had off) that I had forgotten about. The bank was able to deposit my check. White Christmas lights are just as good as yellow or orange. I had a nice chat with the friend I ran into. I went and visited the friend I had blown off with the friend I haven't finished the present for. I have had a good day. I have plans tonight with friends.

It's funny that just the general way you look at things really effects your day. Instead of fretting about the fact that I won't be going home for Christmas, I decided that I'm going to dress the place up. Instead of being bummed that my two best friends have these guys that completely adore them and I don't, I'm very much excited that they are so happy. Instead of being upset at the fact that my trip to Thailand is canceled because my brother and sister-in-law aren't going to be there anymore, I'm glad that I'll be an aunt again, and that little Magnus will have a cousin around his age to play with. I'm happy.

It makes me wonder why I beat myself up about stupid boys and stressful situations in life. No matter how stressed, no matter how annoyed, no matter how abused, no matter how much I am taken advantage of, there is always something good in there. If not in that specific situation, then there's something good somewhere else that makes the worries shrink to their real size.

Fretting and griping and moaning and complaining and stressing may be fun at times, and well worth the let go, but why really bother when there's reason to be in high spirits?

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